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Our Services

At Radiance Therapy we provide a variety of services to help your body, mind, and spirit flourish.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy &
Integrated Body Work

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a truly holistic modality, appropriate for anyone at any point in life from the womb to end-of-life care.  It is a complex name for such a simple and elegant therapy.  Our clients find it to be deeply profound, even life-changing. 


During a session the nervous system gently slows, seeking balance, facilitating our innate capacity for health and self-regulation.  In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, we are placing our attention on the underlying force of the Breath of Life and its expression, which we call the Long Tide.  We are indeed suspended in, supported by, and continually created by this Tidal Body of The Breath of Life (the breath that breathes us). So, we also attend to the fluid tide of our own body/biosphere, which is 75-95% water or fluid.  


As Biodynamic Therapists, we have a different approach to engaging with the breath of life, we do not attempt to influence its movement.  Instead, we honor its innate intelligence, acknowledging that it knows how to orient the body back to health.  The practitioner provides a relational field of trust and safety that allows the client's nervous system to settle and open.  A gentle listening touch, a neutral, accepting presence, and stillness are key elements in helping the Breath of Life flow more freely. It releases patterns of compression, hypervigilance, and inertia to states of ease, resource, flow, and vitality.


The craniosacral session itself is only the beginning of a process that may continue for hours and even days following treatment.  Each session sets into motion the organizing, self-healing, and self-regulating capacities we all have at our core.  You may notice obvious changes or subtle shifts on any level, physical, emotional, or energetic.


Integrative Bodywork


Gentle, fluid myofascial work can be blended in a 90-minute session with craniosacral therapy. This form of fascial release is actually part of the cranial perspective, guided by the relationship to the client's body. Restrictions are discovered and released with fluid manipulation of the tissues and structure. Additionally, Jin Shin Acupressure is also often incorporated as a point of contact in the cranial work itself.


In-person Biodynamic Craniosacral Testimonials

Jessica Kirkpatrick, Licensed Professional Counselor​

"Rose has been a wonderful professional to work with. She has an amazing ability to quietly join with your body’s rhythm; allowing your heart, body, and soul to relax.  Her professionalism and knowledge base of the body, mind and spirit has impressed me, as I am someone who is naturally more skeptical. Rose used her gentle touch to bring relief to a tired and traumatized body. She made me safe to relax and I couldn’t be more impressed with her method of massage, craniosacral therapy and bodywork.  Rose gave me the gift of healing by helping me learn the art of trusting one’s own body to do as it was designed to do.  I have recommended Rose’s amazing gift set to several friends and colleagues.  I have been forever blessed and changed by Rose and her God given abilities."

Karen Wilson

"I have suffered from ADHD, anxiety, and a host of other issues due to complex PTSD. This therapy is curing those issues, along with giving me a peace that is exquisite. I feel like for the first time in my life I am coming home to myself, and resting there. I have also experienced greater ease in navigating difficult situations and relationships. I have been able to be honest no matter what the consequences may be. This has brought my power and life force back on line and is shifting my experiences of life and flow. I highly recommend working with Rose. She is a most powerful peaceful loving being, who holds a very high vibration of pure love and peace. She’s a midwife to birthing the real you, beyond all of the layers of defense."

Touch-free Biodynamic Craniosacral Testimonials

Steve Oggero

"I was struggling with being stuck, and out of the flow of giving and receiving with faith. I had lost faith that who I am is enough to create prosperity in my life to provide for my family and all those in need that I encounter. I had lost faith in me and was starting to not like who I am and how I was created. I had lost me by focusing on my fear and anxiety. I had sunk into a deeper depression than I had ever been. My business was stagnant, and unable to reach out to potential clients. I was stuck not knowing who I was anymore. After my distance session my mind was calm for the first time in weeks. I did not need to drown out the noise in y head, rather I was drawn to issues that matter to me like sustainability, social justice, racism, and income inequality. I had a 9-hour drive where all I did was listen to Ted Talks rediscovering what inspires and motivates me. Soon after, my ability to put in meaningful time at work increased and my fears of failure were no longer stifling. I also surrendered and reached out for help from medical professionals, trusting that God was at center now, not me. I was reminded that energy knows no bounds. I could feel Rose next to me and in my space as she worked. And now something is unfolding in my life that is beautiful and allowing me to be the person I was born to be. I accept the process and I am reminded of how much I actually prefer it this way. My faith is growing again, and I am surrendering to the process that is my life, and I would like to participate."

Robynn Zinser Chiropractor

"The session was amazing. I felt your presence in the room with me, and felt many of the same sensations as in a hands on or in person session. Working together, with our shared awareness, balancing and opening stuck areas was so much easier and faster. I also felt very connected to the universal flow as wee, as it was moving in me. It also felt that we were feeling the releases at the same time. Since the session, I have slept more soundly and am aware that I’m dreaming more. Work has been more relaxed, and I’ve felt generally more present and focused than before."


Biodynamic Meditation

We now offer guided, biodynamic-style meditation and group healing sessions, augmented by Drew Alisandre's intuitive application of crystal bowls. These mini-retreats are a wonderful way to find your way into meditation and group healing. They help facilitate the evolution of consciousness that is so needed in our wounded, chaotic world and lives.


These offerings occur on average about every 6 weeks. You can stay updated on our Facebook page and E-Newsletters.


Each mini-retreat is 3 hours long and is $74, contact us today to learn more.

Upcoming Events

No events scheduled at the time. Check back soon or visit our Facebook page for the most updated information.

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Continuing Education
for Massage Therapists

I am delighted to present two 3-day introductory craniosacral courses from the Biodynamic perspective.  In this small group setting (6-10 participants), you are invited to experience the beauty and effectiveness of this growing field; to play and to discover ways to bring more ease and heart to any kind of therapy practice.

“A dislocated rib, pulled leg muscles, compartment syndrome, jaw injury affecting my bite, headache, back spasms, neck strain, hand and wrist injury, preparation for athletic events, recovery from athletic events, flexibility work, stress reduction and relaxation. During the past 10 years, these are just some of the problems I have asked Rose to help me overcome. Appreciation of her diverse skills is best achieved by working with Rose in an ongoing and consistent fashion to maintain a health body and mind.”

Paul Wilie, M.D.

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